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Lieutenant General Sullay Ibrahim Sesay (OOR),
Chief of Defence Staff of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces

On behalf of the President and Commander-In-Chief of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF), I humble myself with the blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ, in sending you our service personnel and your loved ones, this Christmas and End of Year Message.

It is my honour to congratulate our Christian brothers and sisters and their loved ones on the occasion of this Christmas (Season). During this special time, we must reflect and commemorate the manifestation of the Word of God in the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a moment that we are invited to reflect on the powerful reality of the Lord’s birth into our world.

May the Lord God bestow upon us His grace, as we bear testimony to witness this Christmas. Our testimony of this is that, with each day we ready our hearts for Christmas which symbolizes the entrance of Christ into the world.

Whilst thanking Our Lord God for all that is good, and his enduring benevolence, the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF), remain very grateful to God for His grace and guidance as we honourably discharge our duties.

Perhaps the greatest blessing we enjoy is the blessing of security. This is a great blessing that many people take for granted. The ability to be safe in our homes, travel freely without fear of harm to our persons or loved ones, the ability to rest comfortably at night without fearing a sudden intrusion, is indeed a great unreserved blessing.

Christ tells us that security is one of the greatest blessings the Lord has bestowed upon humanity. His presence within and besides us, is indeed a security. After His resurrection, and just before returning to His Father in Heaven, Jesus made one final promise to His followers. “I am with you always.” (Matthew 28: 20). “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5).

So in celebrating the birth of Christ during the Christmas season, let us as a force, remain loyal both in our Service to God Almighty and to our beloved country, Sierra Leone. Let us also remain conscious of our responsibility to the Government and people of Sierra Leone.

By doing so, we will express our appreciation to our Lord, and work to preserve many blessings He has bestowed upon us. I pray that this Christmas brings happiness to all of us and that the Lord God protect our beloved country. Amen!

Let me take this opportunity therefore, to thank all the Officers Men and Women of the RSLAF for the innumerable contributions and sacrifices, you are rendering to our Country, from the maintenance of peace and security to the management of the COVID–19 pandemic. To those serving in UN Peace Keeping missions, I thank you for the sacrifices you are making in defence of peace around the world. And those who have made the supreme sacrifice, we pray that your souls will rest in perfect peace.

I wish you continued strength and wisdom in performing your responsibilities in the New Year, ahead. May peace, happiness, good health and prosperity be with you and your families in the year 2022. Also, peace and harmony, joy in your hearts and homes. I wish you all Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year (in advance).

Credit: Chief of Defence Staff Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces
Paramount Building
State Avenue
Tower Hill

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